Looking for the next step?
Come to us for your best CV, personal impression, and top-of-the-line interview coaching & training.
As your elite career partner, we provide you with these best-in-kind advisory and training:
All-around preparation for your job search or your cooperation with headhunters - from middle management to executive suite and C-level
We compile, update, or redraft your CV into an outstanding and excellently written document of your record and achievements - the door opener for the position you want, up to C-level and non-executive boards.
Interview training from middle-management all the up to executive boardroom hiring, including effective biographical self-presentation, role plays, case studies, ad-hoc presentations, and effective mind-setting for and eye-level conversation with those who decide
Preparation and networking with headhunters and executive search firms
Sharpening your personal appearance - your composure, body language, apparel, and technology - to make a tailored impression on your favorite employer
Professional training for camera presence and virtual interviewing in this age of ZOOM & MS Teams