Equitalent International

executive. leadership. leverage.

The War for Talent has Shifted…

…from hiring to proposing.
…from making an offer to bidding.
…from the market to your own people.


Competition for top talent in the market got tougher and tougher in the last decade until it has now reached ridiculous levels of general talent UNavailability. Jim Collin’s famous “get the right people on the bus and then see where the bus can go” no longer holds, as the “getting on the bus” part is too limited to still be feasible.

Turnover costs have also skyrocketed as organization’s engage in bidding wars over the best people and the average time it takes to fill a position has roughly tripled.

Instead, we advise that you:

Know the individual talents you already have on board.

Strengthen and develop them to their optimal achievement.

Double-check the top talent you do still hire from outside.

You have great people on board. For the most part. As far as you know.

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  • One of your executive hires was so promising, yet six months later he has not accomplished nearly what you expected.

  • You keep getting complaints about the management style of one team leader. She used to be great, but since she took over this team, things have not moved forward as you had hoped and as the organization needs.

  • A recently promoted division head has now turned out to be overchallenged with the broadened management scope.

With new talent not knocking down the doors of your organization, and your being conscious of the contribution these managers are making, replacing them is really not the best option.

Our HALF-DAY ASSESSMENTS - invest half a day to secure a GREAT FIT

With our special and proven half-day “friendly” assessment format, we help you identify your hidden champions and map out the middle field.

Before a promotion: You want to make absolutely sure that the candidate will indeed succeed in the position he or she is earmarked to fill. And: you must be certain that you haven't missed any red flags in their personality, character, or stress response profile.

After a promotion: You want to identify exactly why and how the candidate struggles in his or her area of responsibility. Which is what we do in our assessment. Then we will provide you with a clear path of development steps and strengthening measures to access his or her full achievement leverage.

This 5-hour format has proven itself over and over again by a close to 100% predictive accuracy rate (before a promotion- yes, no, if yes - how) and a 85-90% remedial accuracy rate (after a promotion - yes, but now how). We challenge and observe the candidates throughout a number of meaningful formats which truly reveal the skills and expertise, the integrity and stamina, the personality and substance they do or do not bring along to perform well long-term in their current or prospective strategic position.


Our half-day and in-depth professional and personality assessment yields a clear recommendation of "should hire", “should promote”, “should develop - and here is how” -  including precise development pathways and detailed recommendations.

The excellent accuracy of our half-day assessment helps you sleep at night while you optimize your people’s performance power. No need to worry about a hiring decision or a promotion: Send them to us for a half-day assessment and you will get a detailed evaluation of their personality, performance potential, character, and strategic fit to the position they are earmarked for.

At Your Request Only: We Search - you Hire - the Best.

As a headhunting advisory boutique, we are often asked to step into a failed big-league search which did not yield the desired candidates for an important strategic position. Because we approach candidates on eye level - exec to exec contact only - we reliably generate INTEREST and MOBILIZE the top talents in the market for your company.

As your executive search consultant, we are YOUR company's FACE. 

  • We engage in an in-depth discovery process for each position to be filled, making sure we understand your company’s DNA, the position’s strategic challenges and the candidates ideal profile fit before we go start the hunt.

  • We have access to unique international networks which allows us to locate the highest-performing candidates.

  • We work with an advisory fee structure which beats the big players and reflects our lean operations and boutique infrastructure, creating a sizable cost advantage to our clients and nurtures a long-term cooperation.

We DO find your future performance stars


For any final-round candidates you bring to the table yourself, we offer half-day assessments to make absolutely sure you haven't missed any red flags in hiring your new star. This 5-hour format has proven itself over and over again by x-raying candidates for their suitability to perform well long-term in the strategic position you are looking to fill:

> Integrity and values
> Energy and stamina
> Backbone and empathy
> Personality and character
> Substance and authenticity

Got a test case? Try us.
Nobody beats the fairness of our rates. Or our success rate.